Read an Excerpt from my NEW Fatima book!

I am sharing a long excerpt of my book: Our Lady of Fatima: 100 Years of Stories, Prayers, and Devotions.

The third secret was revealed to the children at the Cova on July 13, 1917. It was to be kept in the greatest confidence. When Sister Lúcia was with the Dorothean Sisters in Tuy, Spain, she fell ill in mid-1943. Because it was feared that she could die before the third secret was revealed by her, the bishop of Leiria requested that she write down the remainder of the secret (or third secret) told to the children in 1917. Obediently, and in the midst of her painful sickness, Sister Lúcia wrote it down on a single sheet of paper. She placed it in an envelope and sealed it.

Before we look at Sister Lúcia’s testimony, I offer the words of then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who gives some context to the revelations of Lúcia. There was great speculation and controversy over the third secret of Fátima because it was kept under wraps for many years. In his theological commentary The Message of Fátima, Cardinal Ratzinger pointed out that the contents of the envelope that held the third secret for so long might be “disappointing” to some…

You can see the excerpt in its entirety right here. I hope that you enjoy learning about the Third Secret of Fatima. Please let me know your thoughts in the comment box below.

Don’t forget! I am leading a pilgrimage to Fatima and Poland this September with Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R! Information is here.

2 thoughts on “Read an Excerpt from my NEW Fatima book!

  1. I have known this story all my life, I have been involved with First Saturday as long as I can remember and devote time and energy educating those to this apparition and praying with Our Lady and the Rosary. The question most puzzling is why Sr. Lucia’s handwriting changed so much, her size, appearance and even teeth changed? She disappeared and then reappears as if someone else took her place? I have not dwelled too much on it, but for skeptics this is not a good thing and it should be addressed at some point, the over all message I adhere to and stays true. I feel the devil has played his hand here in a not so good way with this last part of Sr. Lucia’s life. Many ask who is this other Lucia, why is she so different, why now and I wondered what your research and thoughts were on this? Some speculate Pope Jean Paul II had a very different heart after his shooting and used Sr Lucia’s story, hopefully for more good than not. Please share as I would really like to do more with this devotion and put a close to that skepticism. Thank you.

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