Graces abound on and around Mother Teresa’s Canonization day!

I was blessed to have been part of an event in Mother Teresa’s honor at the Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, CT a couple of days before her canonization day. The original portrait painting was unveiled and hung at the Museum. A photograph of the image was used to make over a million prayer cards for the canonization in Rome. The banners used at the canonization were taken from that image. It was a privilege to be part of the event.

I have been extremely busy this past week doing many media interviews including Fox News in New York City and doing many radio shows (at least 2 or 3 a day). You can listen to some of the interviews on this website. I’ll add more to my website when I get a chance.

I’ll be traveling to Ave Maria University in a couple of days to bring the message of Mother Teresa to University students there.

But, first, I’ll leave you with a couple of photos from the Knights Museum.


And today is Mother Teresa’s feast day! Pray for the graces!


God bless you! Please pray for me!