How do we “feed” the children’s souls?

Here’s a sure fire way to feed and nourish the souls of the children! You can find it here! This is the book which came out first and is very popular with families all over the world.
We followed up with the DVD below to help provide additional “tools” for Catholic families and Faith educators.
Here is ANOTHER way to feed their souls! It’s the DVD that is promoted in the short video above. You can see both items here on this page of my website.

Another episode of Donna-Marie’s “Feeding Your Family’s Soul”







What does my mother’s rolling pin have

to do with teaching the faith and keeping family traditions alive?


Watch the You Tube video below to see my latest “Feeding Your Family’s Soul” teaching on EWTN!



After pressing the “play” arrow, you can move the time marker over to about the 4:12 mark and it will play until about 7:30 or you can certainly watch the whole episode. Enjoy!


Feeding Your Family’s Soul on EWTN Bookmark show!

You can see my visit talking about family, faith, and food and my book “Feeding Your Family’s Soul” with the wonderful Doug Keck on EWTN’s Bookmark show. I come in at about the 13:40 marker. You can slide the marker forward to that point and watch until the end. Or, if you have time, by all means, watch the whole show. 🙂 Prior to my visit is author Lisa Hendey who is the founder of Catholic

EDITED TO NOTE: I am sorry but the You Tube video has now been taken down. I believe that EWTN would like to put it out again in January when the show will air on EWTN TV.

It’s about Family, Faith, and Food


This morning I was blessed to speak with John Harper on Relevant Radio’s “Morning Air.”

In case you weren’t able to join us this morning, you can listen at your leisure right here. You can slide the little time marker over to the “40.35” mark to hear my segment.

You can see my new Feeding Your Family’s Soul website here.