Womanly Inspiration

The Apostolic Letter, Mulieris Dignitatem: On the Dignity and Vocation of Women is here: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/apost_letters/documents/hf_jp-ii_apl_15081988_mulieris-dignitatem_en.html


If a woman could get a glimpse at

What her world would be

When she becomes a mother,

She would be presented with the reality

That her innermost desires and life plans

would be altered or put on hold

because she would be inundated with the care of others.

If she was also allowed to glimpse the unending joy

she would receive as a mother,

There would be no pause to consider,

No hesitation, as she embraced the whole package,

Knowing in her heart that her children will become her life’s desires.
From Donna-Marie’s book: Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers


A Woman’s Gifts

To Be a Woman…
Tenderness Personified
Giving Without Measure
Patient Endurance
Tireless Serving
Forever Love
Discerning Needs
Arms Outstretched
Remaining Near
Warm Hugs Always Ready
Gentle Caresses
Reassuring Words
Encouraging Smiles
Nurturing Warmth
Loving Even When It Hurts
Listening Ear
Righting Wrongs
Casting Out Fear
Strength to the Core
Always Time to Give
Heroic Sacrifices
…To Be a Woman!

Sweet Jesus, I love You!
From A Catholic Woman’s Book of Prayers, pg. 25 & 26


“Everything comes from love, all is ordained for the salvation of man, God does nothing without this goal in mind”~St. Catherine of Siena

Dear St. Catherine, your remarkable life in service to God and His people is an awesome inspiration to us all. Help me to realize that I am to serve Jesus in others, especially the poor and those in need. Please pray to the Blessed Trinity for me to be granted the graces I need to be faithful to God’s holy will in my life. St. Catherine, pray for us and for all who invoke your aid. If it is in God’s holy will, please grant me (here mention your request). Amen.

from Donna-Marie’s book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book


A Royal Destiny

A wonderful preacher, the late Archbishop Fulton Sheen, preached that there is a royal destiny to marriage, which is a community of love as in the Trinity: to beget something outside itself. He said married couples have children because they with a Foreword by Blessed Mother Teresa are so in love, and since God is love, love cannot be limited. The nuptial chalice is too small for the love it contains, and therefore it must overflow. He preached that unless the couple has God in their lives, they may not desire to have children in the selfish world we live in. He tried to convey the idea that it really takes three to get married: the bride, the groom, and our Lord.

From Donna-Marie’s book, Prayerfully Expecting: A Nine Month Novena for Mothers to Be which bears a Foreword by Blessed Mother Teresa

A Blessed Vocation of Love

A mother’s heart
is love and tenderness personified,
Expanding in response to each new life
That it is asked to receive.
Yielding, bending,
Opening wider still,
Enduring sacrifice,
Embracing joy,
Giving without measure,
Unconditional love,

Thank you, Lord, for the gift of a mother’s heart!

From Donna-Marie’s book: Grace Cafe: Serving Up Recipes for Faithful Mothering