“Lord, please allow me to be a bright spark of HOPE.”

I didn’t plan to spend any amount of time with anyone the other day. Truth be told, I had a very tight schedule. Yet, that morning, on my knees in my living room before the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I asked our Lord to please allow me to be a bright spark of HOPE for others that day. I always pray my Morning Offering to essentially hand my whole day over to God–everything.

However, that particular morning, I felt the extra earnest prayer rise straight from the depths my heart and I heard it with great clarity being uttered from my lips. For a second, I thought I might use that short passionate prayer in an Instagram post (hopefully, to inspire others). But, alas, there was no time, and out the door I went to get to my appointment on time.

I don’t get out of the house much at all these days because of the pandemic. Just Mass on Sundays (and sometimes a week day Mass). I work from home, so most of my prayers are earnestly expressed within the walls of my domestic church, as well out in the amazing nature that God provides around my home.

Pulling into a parking space nearby to my destination, I spotted a man reclining at a table on the sidewalk along with his telltale gear (back pack and sleeping bag, etc.) tucked between his legs. He seemed a bit disheveled. I knew in an instant that he was homeless or displaced in some way.

Grabbing up my purse and face mask that I would soon don, I locked my car, and headed up the sidewalk. Slowly passing the man, I turned to him and said, “Hello!” And, “How are you?”

“It’s just another day,” he replied in a blasé tone while putting his hand up.

“Oh!” I exclaimed. “It’s a good day! The sun is shining…”

I suddenly remembered that on my way out of the house, I had tossed a granola bar into my purse, knowing that I’d be gone for a few hours and wouldn’t have a chance to eat for awhile. I didn’t want my head ache to get any worse than it already was.

“Oh, would you like this granola bar?”

“Please!” And, he stretched out his hand to receive it. He then asked me a question.

“Could you possibly sponsor me for a coffee?”

I had never heard it said quite that way before and had to think quickly because I didn’t want to be late for my appointment and because I didn’t know how I could pay for it.

“Well, I don’t have any cash on me. I have to hurry to my appointment. Maybe, when I get to my appointment, I could call a place on this street and order a coffee for you…”

Without missing a beat, the man told me the name of the place that served coffee. So, I asked his name and quickly introduced myself, and confirmed that I would order his coffee.

“Wait about five minutes and then go in,” I told him. “I’ll tell them that you will come in for coffee. Well, actually, you had better make that ten minutes…”

I knew I needed a bit more time, not knowing how it would pan out with ordering. Because of the pandemic safety measures in place all around, I thought it might be a bit tricky to pull it off. Like for instance, some places don’t take cash (due to germs, etc.). That’s why I told Jake (not his real name) to wait a bit.

I got settled in at my appointment and looked up the phone number for the coffee shop and called. Turned out, that particular coffee place didn’t want to take my debit card over the phone. So, I told the woman where I was and asked her if she could kindly serve the man whatever kind of coffee he wanted and I would come inside to pay for it after my appointment. She graciously agreed and told me that Jake was in fact, already there.

“Would You Care to Join Me?”

After finishing up at my rather long appointment, I paid up at the coffee shop, thanked the woman profusely, and was about to head to my car. The barista commented to me that she was very touched by my generosity towards the stranger. I smiled and said something to the effect that we have to help one another. She agreed.

Well, Jake was still sitting at the same table. I paused to ask if he had enjoyed his coffee.

“Yes! Thank you!

My heart was touched upon hearing what he said to me next.

“I kept saying your name over and over in my mind so I would remember it when you came by this way so that I could say, “Thank you for the coffee, Donna!”

He then surprised me with a request.

“Would you care to join me?” he asked as he extended his arm to motion to the empty chair on the other side of his small metal bistro table.

How could I refuse? I was in a hurry to get back to my work, but I wanted to accept his kind invitation. I then remembered the 2 blessed medals that I retrieved from my purse and put into my pocket while at my appointment so that I could easily find them for Jake should the opportunity arise.

I asked Jake if he had heard of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and the work she did in the slums of Calcutta, picking people up from the gutters, helping them, etc. He nodded affirmatively, but I’m not completely sure that he knew what I was saying. I went on to show him the Miraculous Medal that I was wearing which the Saint of the gutters had given to me. That brief explanation gave way to a lively conversation that unfolded between us.

We talked a while and I pulled the blessed medals from my pocket. I asked Jake if it was okay that I give the medals to him. I told him that I could clean them with hand sanitizer first. He threw his hand at the air in an effort to convey that he wasn’t worried about the pandemic, bacteria, or germs. Jake told me that he would like the medals but wanted to give something to me. I quickly explained that he didn’t have to give me anything, but stopped at that because it was clear that he wanted to.

“Like a trade,” he said as he rummaged through his belongings–most likely it was all he owned. As he rummaged around, he pulled out a huge slightly old looking cucumber, a small bruised egg plant, and a bag of walnuts and he set it all on the table.

“Oh good, “I said. “You have something to eat. But, how do you cook your vegetables?”

He quickly lifted the small eggplant to his mouth and took a big chomp of the raw vegetable.

“A little spicy, but okay,” he quipped.

I then told Jake about my vegetable garden and said I’d bring some fresh tomatoes to him if I should see him again.

Medals and a Special Gift

We talked a good while–about God, the world, the universe, even cats! At one point I asked Jake if he ever prayed. He gave me a round about answer and told me that he is very forgetful. I was still holding the blessed medals in my hand, waiting as Jake poked through his things to find that special item that he wanted to give to me.

“Here it is!” He suddenly exclaimed and pulled it up closer to his eyes to take a good look.

“It’s a little rough around the edges…” He said as he turned it round and round.

“Oh! It’s blue. I love the color blue! Are you sure that you want to give this to me?” I asked him.

“Yes! I actually found it on the street!”

Just then, Jake stretched out his hand and gently dropped a blue marble into my hand. I looked at it admiringly and thanked him. I decided to snap a quick picture of the marble alongside the blessed medals.

I gave the medals to Jake and told him to keep them with him and that they would act as a protection for him. He thanked me.

It was long past time for me to get going, so I put the marble into my purse and stood up to bid farewell to Jake, and assured him of my prayers, and maybe even some fresh tomatoes from my garden if I should find him at the table again on my next trip out of the house.

Jake shot out his right hand ready to give a firm farewell hand shake. I greeted his hand with mine and said good bye.

As I pulled away from the side of the street, I saw that Jake was looking at me and getting ready to wave. I waved back heartily and drove away. My heart was full. I couldn’t help but think of my friend Mother Teresa and how she constantly preached that we are to serve Jesus in one another. I knew that Jesus was there with us in that encounter.

All the way back home, I prayed a Rosary for Jake while tears of thanksgiving brimmed in my eyes. It was a holy encounter indeed. Suddenly, I remembered that fervent request I put before the Lord earlier that day.

“Dear Lord, help me to be a bright spark of HOPE to others today.”

By the way, there’s more to the story. I’ll try to write the continuation tomorrow, Lord willing.

Stay tuned!

Dear Lord, help me to be a bright spark of HOPE to others today and always.

14 thoughts on ““Lord, please allow me to be a bright spark of HOPE.”

  1. That was a very beautiful and heartwarming story Donna-Marie! I will be praying the prayer of hope tomorrow morning! I will keep Jake in my prayers as well.

  2. Looks like a great trade to me! Isn’t it cool how God puts us in the right place at the right time to bring hope to others? Of course, you prayed for it—and those are the prayers our Heavenly Father loves to answer! Prayers for you and your new friend Jake!

  3. Donna Marie! This has indeed been a special day. I have an identical Mir. Medal that I put on a short chain to make into a bracelet (which I usually don’t wear) instead of the necklace it originally was. I’ve been wearing it all day. Miracles have been happening all day: I found a card I had lost a couple of week ago, when the bracelet fell off and slipped next to the car’s console (where I had looked, of course!); I got to greet a new pastor who has been assigned to my grade school alma mater, and I’ve been waiting weeks to get to see him (he anointed my mom in the hospital on Holy Thurs. 2009, and now he’s back as pastor!); this same priest was doing an early Mass for the teachers beginning today, and he gave a blessing which I need because I assist my daughter with the PSR program and have to teach the first class in Sept. – 2nd graders!) And now I get to share your experience in this wonderful newsletter! I can’t wait for the next one! God Bless you and all you pray for! Love,

  4. Beautiful!! St. Benedict has been popping up on my radar so much recently and there is he again! I will be stocking up on St. Benedict medals because it seems as though God is asking me to! I will light a candle now for your friend Jake. Thank you Donna for being a beacon of hope!!

    • Hello there, Barbara! Thank you for your comment. Yes, it is a very good idea to stock up on St. Benedict medals! Make sure you get them blessed with the full exorcism blessing by a Benedictine priest or another priest or deacon using the prescribed Benedictine formula. Thank you for lighting a candle for “Jake”!! And, thank you for your kind words. God bless you!

  5. Thank you, Donna-Marie, for that heartwarming story. I bet many people just pass him by and never say a greeting to him. Both you and he were blessed by that meeting.

    • You are very welcome, Pat. Thank you for your kind words. The reason that I share this kind of story is to inspire others to push a bit beyond their comfort zones to offer God’s love to those in need.

      Yes, for sure! We were both blessed by the meeting. God is GOD! God bless you!

  6. Wonderful encounter, Donna. I have no doubt it was set up. Similar things have happened to me.

    I hope you are feeling well with your Lyme disease and complications. I know how detrimental it is.

    God bless,


    • Thank you so much, Ellen. Yes, indeed God had a plan and always does. Thanks for your kind words on my health. I have had some increased challenges these past 6 months or so. Offering it all for the love of God, the conversion of sinners, and for reparation for sins against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

      God bless you and yours!

    • AWWW, that is sweet–yes, a beautiful marble indeed. Thank you very much for your kind words. I pray to be that “hope and comfort.” The world needs it. God is counting on us to reach beyond our comfort zones to impart His great Love and Mercy.

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