“Project Easter Joy” Easter Tuesday

Yesterday, I posted about my inspiration: “Project Easter Joy.” I also posted this photo on Instagram which my husband snapped late Easter afternoon.

Well, the following day a huge tree crashed down in a storm…

…right behind this Forsythia bush. This morning, I went out to access the damage.

Thankfully, it fell far away from our house. The winds were howling up a storm yesterday, so I lit a blessed candle and said an earnest prayer. There are a few ominous dead trees close to my house. I prayed that all would be well. The winds died down immediately. I give glory to God!

As I was taking a look around this morning, a cute little bird came and perched right near me. God knows that I love birds. I think their visits are His gifts!

Pay attention to the gifts around you–large and small–God gives us reason to smile even through tough times like a pandemic, for instance!

God bless you!